Friday, February 12, 2010

Thought For Today - 2/12/10

I often tell tell students when I'm teaching Yoga that when I'm home I generally play soft and relaxing music. My day-to-day activities demands can quickly take their toll on my well-being if I am not vigilant about caring for my self as best I can.

One way I can ensure that I have an opportunity to relax and recuperate each day is to create a soft place to come to when I arrive home. This soft place for me is relaxing music. For you it can be an entire room or small corner of a larger area.

It really does matter. As long as it can provide you with a safe and comforting refuge in which you can decompress and recover from your day demands.

Here is where I feel and experience security, the love of God that transcend other issues that may be unfolding in my life. This place in our homes also can act as way stations that enable us to shift our attention away from our what is going on outside and just be concern about what is going on inside (our inner being).

Much love,

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