Saturday, August 9, 2008


What I am sharing with you is spiritual truth. It is totally contrary to the world’s way of thinking and goes against the grain of human behavior. To live and walk in forgiveness, you will have to resist pride. At times, you will have to go to your brother (sister, friend, neighbor, etc.) and ask his forgiveness. You will have to forgive him, even though every ounce of your being wants to strike out against him or her.

You will have to forgive others, even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you. But remember, you cannot make it without God’s forgiveness. You cannot have His forgiveness unless you forgive.

Forgiveness requires an act of your will. You cannot depend on your feelings. Most of the time, you will have to forgive—not because you feel like it—but simply because the God states you must.

Make it your goal to develop and maintain an attitude of forgiveness. See that you keep your heart clean before God. Be quick to say you apologize (and mean it) when you are faced with opportunities for friction. Don’t allow darkness any place in your life.

God’s love is the most powerful force in existence. Darkness knows that. It knows what the love of God can do and the tremendous power that lies in forgiveness.

A revelation of the love walk and forgiveness in our spirits allows that power – power of God’s love to flow. Make the quality decision today to commit yourself to walk in God’s love and forgiveness. I guarantee…you will never be the same.

Much love,

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