Friday, August 29, 2008

Thought For Today - 8/29/08

God commanded us to love one another which removes from us all that are not loved. Jesus really only left us only two things to do on this earth - 1) Love God with our whole heart and 2) love one another as we love ourselves. When we realize our mission in life is to love, we will realize that every situation is an opportunity to carry that mission out.

As we walk in love, we find every situation is a lesson in becoming who we are capable of being. I ask God daily to give me the ability to walk in His love - not Joseph's love (which has limits). I'm not saying it is an easy thing to do. But, with every situation there can be an opportunity to surrender my will (desire) and ask God for help and direction.

Much love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blogs. You are so positive...I am thankful to have you in my life Joseph.