Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thought For Today - 12/18/08

Repent and receive!

The other day I heard the Lord (God) say to me that many health problems are associated with lack of water. There are days that I know I have not had enough water. Those are also the days that I'm tired and feel blotted.

I clearly remember about fifteen years ago I was getting ill several times during the year with sinus problems. One day I called my doctor to see if he would prescribe me medication to help with the sinus. He asked what color was the mucus. I told him it was a bright yellow. The doctor said I should increase my water intake and call him back in a day or two if the mucus had not changed. After drinking water for one day the mucus changed back to being clear.

Water is the only substance I know of that is not an addiction. Soft drinks, tea, coffee, and the list goes on regarding liquids beside water are addicted. Yet, water is so challenging for so many to drink.

God also revealed to me that water is like His Holy Spirit - people don't like to take it in. Something to think about?

Today, make a decision to increase your current water intake and see if you begin to feel better. Along with that increase your God intake too. Repent and receive!

Much love,

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