Saturday, May 23, 2009

Thought For Today - 5/23/09

A few days ago, I was questioning God regarding a few things going on in my life. My spirit was somewhat confused regarding the situations I found myself in. As I spent time in meditation, talking these things out - out loud, seeing and receiving wisdom, a clear voice came to me.

The information received was as a believer in God with His Spirit dwelling inside of me, I was now designed and equipped to recognize and refuse confusion and to hear clearly and act confidently on information from heaven, regardless of the circumstances!

I was instructed if there is a problem in my life, it was not with God not speaking, leading or guiding me. It was not that His Spirit telling me what to do. It was WITH ME! I had to clean our my spiritual ears. I'm trying to be brief as much as possible here . . .

I repented to God and told Him that He is a responsible God. He is faithful and He is just. I told God not only that, but He is faithful and just to me. And, He is faithful to His Word and promises, including His promises to me!

There is nothing hidden or confused in God. If you are experiencing confusion in any shape or form, stop! Find out what God is saying about your situations. He will communicate with you in a clear and free manner. Only then will you as I can begin to get answers to our questions.

Much love,

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