Friday, November 20, 2009

Thought For Today - 11/20/09

In my profession of being a Yoga teacher, I come in contact with a variety of people. Some of the people I come in contact with are a joy to be around. They have a loving presence which encourages me to love more.

Then, there are others that have the opposite effect, draining my energy, leaving me feeling tired and exhausted. Yes, I have found that my energy level has been influenced by individuals I have been in contact with.

From this experience, I have learned to work toward filling my life with individuals who help me cultivate healthy and positive relationships. Yes, I do, you do, we do have control over who we are with.

The power to step back from these individuals lies within us. Just take take a few moments to reflect on how another person makes you feel. Do they add something constructive to, or subtract from, our lives?

Do I allow a friend, a student, a class sap my strength? I had to be honest with myself in this, I made some drastic changes in my daily life, including my social life which brought about a personal transformation that truly empowered me.

When I surround myself with positive people, the negativity goes away and I have been able to create more room to welcome nurturing energy. In my doing this not only enriched my life, but also helped me to love myself on a deeper level.

Much love,

1 comment:

Erin said...

Amen to that! I can't wait to be back in class, I am so sad that my work has been so busy!