Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thought For Today - 11/21/09

A few days ago I was handed an opportunity to make an apology. Without me going into details, it was brought to my attention that I needed to apologize to this individual. I did without much hesitation.

An apology can be a perfect response to imperfection. Yes, it can be looked at as a debit we owe to those we have mistreated. Yet, apology can also be a gift that benefits those who owe the apology.

Being quick to apologize can be challenging if you are not use to it. I don't know too many people who likes admitting they made a mistake. Apologies does have a price tag on it too, but apologizing can pay off for the apologizer in various ways.

Apology will send a clear message that we have the strength of character to reconcile ourselves with the truth. God is truth. Apology is the most courageous thing we can make to ourselves.

Yes, there are costs to apology, but saying that you just don't apologize also can bring about costs. Relationships suffer when we lie or try to limit our responsibility instead of just being honest on the mistakes we encountered.

One main point to consider is the costs of apology are never as dear as the costs of lying, denial, and defensiveness.

Much love,

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