Friday, September 10, 2010

Thought For Today - 9/10/10

There are some days I just want to be quiet, including my spirit and mind. Those are the days I just want to live in the moment with a clear sense of life. Those days I want to be present, just sort see me for who I am. Not sure if you can relate to what I'm writing or not?

Those are also the days that I am aware of my surroundings. They become loud and present. Those are the days I want to just fly like a bird. Again, not sure if you can relate to what I'm writing or not?

But at the end of the day, I relax in the love of the Father (God). His love is there and it holds me and makes me secure - knowing that everything will and will be aright.

I'm to trust Him in all things and allow His will to be done and continue in my life!

Much love,

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