Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thought For Today - 4/21/09

Have you ever noticed that the majority of Christians are sincere, earnest, and honest, yet they are weak?

That may seem to be a contradiction, but it is not. The reason Christians are weak is because they have never dared to confess what they are in Christ Jesus. You can know who you are in Christ and what you have in Christ!

The children of Israel knew what God had said belonged to them. He had said, "I will give you the land." Everything else God had said had come to pass. The children of Israel had seen God's faithfulness in everything else He had promised them, but they could not be persuaded to act on God's Word in this matter of taking the land.

Similarly, the majority of Christian today are not walking in the light they really possess concerning God's Word. Most are praying, "God, give me this," or "Do that for me." But God is not going to do anything for them until they start acting on what they know.

When they act on the Word, only then will they get the answer! And, this includes me too!

Much love,

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