Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Thought For Today - 9/2/09

You've had an energizing and exalting Yoga practice which your mind was totally focused on your body and your breath. By the time you're done, you have a deep sense of peace and relaxation that seems to penetrate every cell of your body. You feel centered, balanced, in touch with yourself. You pledge not to let this feeling slip away as the day progresses.

But halfway through the work day, you're overtaken by the press of urgent emails, texting and invasive deadlines. You have completely lost the connection and composure you had. Even more disturbing, you have no idea how to get it back.

The door seems to have closed on your place of balance and peace, and you can't seem to find it again. By the end of the day, you're fatigue and stressed out, and you can't wait to get home to your Yoga mat.

You have also had an refreshing and inspiring private time with God and your mind was totally focused on your love relationship with Him. By the time you're done, you have a deep sense of peace and relaxation that seems to permeate every cell. You feel focused, fresh, so in touch with God. You vow not to let this feeling slip away as the day progresses.

But halfway through the work day, you're overwhelmed by the press of pressing meeting and over-demanding managers, and you have wholly lost the connection and calmness you had.

Even more disturbing, you have no idea how to get it back. It's as if a door has closed. You no longer have peace and just not sure how it got away and how to get it back at the moment. By the end of the day, you are exhausted and you can't wait to get home to your alter to fellowship with God.

To many people, there seems to be an inner conflict between being in the present and accomplishing everything that needs to get done. They lose sight on what is important when on or off their Yoga mat or reading the Word or putting it in your heart and taking it with you.

As you rush home - you do not have to choose between your housework/chores and fellowship with God. Taking the time to fellowship with God and the housework/chores will be taken care of.

Much love,

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