Friday, September 4, 2009

Thought For Today - 9/4/09

I believe many students of Yoga that attend classes I teach only see me as a warm, loving and gentle teacher. I am that and more. However, I am not immune to conflict. I don't know of anyone who has not had to deal with it from time to time. But, no matter what the circumstance, I must handle them all with grace, consciousness and the love of God.

The conflict can involve students suffering from anxiety and panic attacks regarding taking class. The other day a student came to one of the classes I taught. But, he left without taking the class due to the back row of the room was already taken. He didn't want to be on the front row. He actually began to panic and I saw the anxiety in his face.

I asked a fellow students if they would make room for him to place his mat on the back row. At that moment of me asking – discord came on the scene immediately. I am a warm, loving and gentle teacher and one of my responsibilities is to help student address egos, anxiety, and conflicts just to name a few along with its symptoms and root causes.

As a teacher, I desire to help in the healing of student's nervous system by giving them one of the most important tool to cultivate peace on and off their Yoga mat – the love of God!

Much love,

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