Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Thought For Today - 9/8/09

Have you ever experience situations that you were not really sure why you were experiencing them? During these times/situations I do know that it is a lesson where LOVE will be exercised.

There are times I find it challenging to love myself when it seems like no one else cares. I have to find the faith - just to love myself and don't forget about courage and patience.

I find myself in situations where I'm having to forgive, have compassion and be gentle with my words. Again, a lesson on LOVE.

Yes, there have been days of challenge. Yet, I knew I had to continue on the path of LOVE - the LOVE of God. His love was the light at the end of the tunnel. Looking back from where I came - I would not change a thing because I was on the right path - I will connected to LOVE - the LOVE of God. It was His love that got me to where I am today!

As the above picture so clearly reminds me - a lesson of love - indulge in things you truly love.:) What lessons are you learning?

Much love,

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