Saturday, November 1, 2008

Thought For Today - 11/01/08

The weekend is here and the start of a new month. We are almost to the end of 2008. So many students in the Yoga class I teach are such multi-taskers. They are what I consider “movers and shakers.” They are constantly doing more than one thing at a time. I have caught several during Yoga class – receiving and sending text on their cell phone. Yes, you heard me correct.

What these students have unsuccessful realize is on some level dealing with challenging demands of society today will cause stress and even illness. They don’t think they can do less in a society that always wants more.

Yoga will allow or caused us to slow down. It is impossible to practice a challenging pose (i.e. – Tree Pose) without learning to focus and letting go of the thoughts that attack our mind during times of stress. As we focus in class, this is the first step of becoming present.

So, lets take this week and the first day of November 2008 to slow down, stop the multi-tasking and start to only doing one thing at a time.

Much love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am so glad I have yoga to take me away from all the stress life puts on us. For that one hour I am in your class, I can forget everything and become refreshed. I can take on life with a new perspective and a "clear" head. Yoga is my oasis. Yoga saved me. Thank you for changing my life!