Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thought For Today - 11/13/08

Change is here and it happens more often than you think!

Daylight savings time has come about again. We moved back one hour. With this occurrence, it now gets dark around 5:30pm. Many chose to stay inside their homes and not explore the outside much due to the time change. Yet, this is a beautiful time of the year. The weather is cooler and the holidays are upon us.

With seasons changing – this also means our lives and bodies are changing. Even the Yoga classes I teach are changing. I’m finding out I don’t always have to teach the same thing or even be the same teacher for each class. Some classes we laugh and play while other classes I push the students to the limit. I’m teaching more basic poses, getting the students to return to more settled sequences – those that keep their bodies warm through out the entire class.

However you experience the season of fall, don’t fight the lessons it brings into your life over the next few months. Experiment. Play. Let the beauty of the season find expression in your life.

Much love,

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