Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thought For Today - 12/16/09

Lately, I have felt like I have been pushed to the limit of things I'm involved with. A few days ago I attended a Yoga class and during the class I began to force myself into certain poses that resulted in not proper alignment and the class at the end was a disappointment.

When I arrive home after the practice I spent some quiet time in meditation regarding what had occurred. The answer I received was I needed to surrender to that class. No matter how difficult some poses were, it was an opportunity for me to either modify the pose or go back to a resting pose. Pretty simple?

Lesson learned? No matter what circumstances we are faced with, we have a choice to be present - in the moment, know it and for what it is and to make the best of it.

Note, I really thank God for allowing me to experience things of this nature, learn from them and share them.

Much love,

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