Sunday, December 20, 2009

Thought For Today - 12/20/09

I started practicing and teaching Yoga (within a three month period of both) about 7 years ago. The most important thing I have learn in these few years of Yoga involvement is I need a strong and discipline spiritual practice. The spiritual practice is what will and has carried me throughout my day.

As I move throughout my day, I will listen to spiritual Cds' while driving to my next class or appointment or spend time in meditation (quick) sitting in my vehicle while I'm waiting for a class or appointment to start.

Your growth with Yoga or without Yoga should be centered around spiritual growth - whether consciousness or not - it must be done on a regular basis. One aspect for me having to continue grow spiritual is my relationship with the students that attend classes I teach.

Yes, once we as instructors begin to teach, we can lose our own personal practice and become un-rooted from what we believe and teach. We are then just going through the motions.

If I am to be there for the students who attend classes I teach - I must have a strong spiritual practice and it is so important that I do set aside time for this. In doing so, I can let go easily any personal agendas, attachments, pride (ego), etc. and keep moving to the next spiritual level.

How is your spiritual walk (growth)?

Much love,

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