Monday, December 21, 2009

Thought For Today - 12/21/09

This Christmas, I'm finding that people don't really need a lot of gifts, money, etc. But, what they do need is to hear from God regarding their situation. The best gift I can give them is to tell them about trusting God and His Word.

I live I believe a simple and ordinary live. However, with trusting God and His Word, the ordinary turns into something new everyday. Things just don't happen to be happening. Things happen to and for me because of the Word of God - me spending time in meditation over it.

I know for a fact, if you will give God's Word your full attention, meditate on it, and not fear what you might hear from God regarding your life, you will be a much happier and prosperous person - more than you could ever dream of.

Much love and Merry Christmas,

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