Monday, May 31, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/31/10

That is an unchangeable truth. A person without faith in action is bound to the realm of the natural, material and intellectual world of what is possible. But a person whose faith is in action hooks into Holy Spirit power of God — and impossible things happen in their life.

That is how Jesus did all those impossible things when He was on earth. He fulfilled His calling the same way you and I have to do it, by using His faith to hook into supernatural power.

It does not matter how impossible something may be, when you are hooked by faith to the supernatural, you are hooked up to God and all things are possible to Him!

Much love,

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/30/10

Hearing from heaven is the most important thing in your whole life! That’s because you can never come up with a problem too big for God to solve.

The important thing to remember, however, is that you can’t turn the wisdom of God on and off like a water faucet. You’ve got to make a lifestyle of it.

If you want to be sure that the wisdom of God will be there for you when the crisis hits, you need to start listening for His guidance now.

Learn to seek His wisdom, to listen for His instructions on the little, everyday matters of life. That way, when the big problems come, you’ll be ready. You’ll be in the habit of hearing from heaven.

Much love,

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/29/10

When hard times come, they are never as hard as they look. That’s important. Hard times are not as hard as they look, unless you are looking in the wrong place, through the wrong eyes, thinking the wrong thoughts, and imitating the wrong people.

At the onset, some problems look absolutely hopeless and insurmountable. But with a little changing of your thinking, they can shrink back to a realistic size.

Wrong thoughts will paint the wrong pictures in your mind. They will tell you things are worse than they are. They will tell you that you don’t have what it takes to succeed in life, or that the right opportunity won’t come to you. But I’m here to tell you, you can succeed!

It does not matter how bad the economy is. People who understand money are not afraid of hard times.

So how do we change our thinking? If we want to live the kind of life God has in mind for us, we must exchange our thoughts for His thoughts. We must lay down the perspectives we have gained through past experiences and instead pick up the wisdom of God—His Word. Through the Word of God we’ll learn what reality is. We’ll learn what is really going on in the world. And we’ll learn His plan for getting through it in victory.

So the answer to every problem is in the Word. Let the Word change your thinking. Remember, times are not as hard as they look when you look from God’s viewpoint!

Much love,

Friday, May 28, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/28/10

I need to go beyond believing only what is reasonable to my intellect. For example, I need to stop being content just to believe God for the money to pay my monthly expenses. I need to start believing Him for the money to pay my expenses several months in advance!

God knows how to do everything. I don’t have to worry about that. I just need to focus on my part — believe, speak the Word and walk in the ways of God. I need to stop limiting God just because I don’t understand how He is going to do the things He has promised.

If I had to depend on what I could understand, I would be in great trouble. But I don’t! All I have to understand is that God is God and He has all power. He is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all I can ask or think!

That means if I can think it, God is able to do more than that. If I can dream it, God is able to do more that that. If I can hope for it, God is able to do more than that!

Whatever I need, God is able! He is able to satisfy my needs and godly desires and much, much more. His hand is not short!

I must keep this in remembrance.

Much love,

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/27/10

A quality decision is a rock-solid decision. A decision from which there is no turning back which there is no discussion. It is a deliberate act of your will.

Also, it is the one thing God will not do for you. He has provided everything else. He has already told us in His Word “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life.” And, the actual choosing, the decision, is up to you!

If you do not use this powerful decision-making tool that God has provided, you will end up bound to and dominated by the circumstances of this world.

You are not making a decision that you will have to carry out in your own human strength. God is there to back you up. He will enable you to be an overcomer. Whatever your battle or situation is today, in whatever area you want victory, make a quality decision. Then, do not look back!

Much love,

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/26/10

God does not just love the lovely. He loves the unlovely too. No matter how bad, mean or ornery someone might be, if they will turn to Him, He will cleanse them and forgive them.

He will let them partake of the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, so they can have a new life in Him. That is the way God loves us, and that’s the way He expects us to love each other.

This kind of love is the distinguishing mark of a Christian. It is God’s love that sets you apart. You and I have a high calling. We are called to live a life of love just like Jesus did.

Much love,

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/25/10

When you stop being selfish, you will be a happier person. When you are self-centered, you are always thinking about yourself. You are always thinking about someone who did you wrong...or how much you have to do.

It is impossible for a selfish person to stay happy for very long because everything centers around him or her. We are not made to live that way.

We are not big enough or powerful enough for everything to center around us. The more we keep our minds on ourselves, the easier it is for the darkness to upset us.

Something to consider?

Much love,

Monday, May 24, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/24/10

I once got laid off from a position many years ago. I really didn't know what to do. But learned what not to do. I didn't act like most people. I didn't let the enemy or anyone else see me sweat. Instead, I took authority over my thinking and kept my faith and focus on the promise of God.

I then judged myself. I asked myself if there was anything I did to open the door for this to happen? I was honest with myself. After taking inventory of myself, I repented and received forgiveness from God. I then rolled the care of the situation over on Him.

I then took the opportunity and went back to the supervisor that laid me off. I told him how much I appreciated the time I worked for him. I told him that here now was an opportunity to put my faith walk / talk to test and know that God was going to take care of me.

Regardless of what kind of financial situations you may face, if you will walk through them with faith and love, if you listen to God and follow Him, He will not only get you through this time of trouble, He will bring you out to a higher place, a rich place, a strong place of victory!


Much love,

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/23/10

One of the operating principles of faith that I have learned over the year is to go to God on the basis of His provision—not on the basis of your need.

I learned this years ago in the area of healing. I don’t ever go to God and tell Him how sick I am, and then ask for healing.

Instead, I thank God for providing healing for me. By faith I receive that provision.

I also found out if you continue to rehearse your need, you will be so need-minded that it will stunt your faith, and you won’t be able to receive God’s supply.

However, if you continue to rehearse God’s promise, you’ll become so answer-minded that it will be the most natural thing in the world to simply reach out by faith and receive His provision.

Much love,

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/22/10

I have made the statement "Plan for the future, but live today like it is your last day on earth!"

There is nothing preventing you from putting your focus right now in the present moments. You can choose to spend more of your time and energy on what gives your life meaning. Or, you can spend more time with loved ones and do more of what you enjoy.

Sometimes the only way we can see the beauty of life is to remind ourselves that we are only here for a short while. Instead of pushing yourself more to obtain more - STOP! Just begin to experience the wonderful riches life has to offer. It is all around you!

Much love,

Friday, May 21, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/21/10

If you have not already, make a quality decision today to sell out to God and get your spiritual house clean.

Get rid of wrong doing, straighten up your life and set your mind on the Lord. Feed on the Word of God until that is the biggest thing in your life. Put God first and love Him with all your heart, soul and might.

If you will do that, He will keep you in perfect peace no matter what is happening in the world!

Much love,

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/20/10

When the Word says we are to be partakers of Christ's suffering, it means we are to enter into the victory Jesus bore for us on the cross. The only suffering we encounter in sharing His victory is spiritual.

That's what the Word is talking about when it says we are to be partakers of Christ's suffering. In other words, the only suffering for a believer is the spiritual discomfort brought by resisting the pressures of the flesh, not a physical or mental suffering. Jesus has already borne for us all the suffering in the natural and mental realms.

Romans 8:17-18 says we are to suffer with Him so that we can be glorified together. Jesus isn't suffering physically or mentally, and if we are suffering with Him, we don't have to either.

Right now, He is our head and seated at the right hand of God (Hebrews 10:12-13). As Christ's Body in the earth, our struggle isn't against flesh and blood - against the physical or mental.

Instead, we spiritually stand against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and wicked spirits in high places (Ephesians 6:12). That's why it's to God's Glory when we are healed or delivered physically and mentally, for we only have to fight in the spirit realm.

As you have probably experienced, any time we are walking in the Word and fellowshiping with the Father, Satan will do his best to stop us. He wants to stop this spiritual relationship.

Satan knows as we receive revelation knowledge into our spirit, we will learn to lord over him in the physical and mental realms. Then his tactics to put us under the law of sin and death will be futile (Romans 8:2).

James 1 says when we fall into different temptations and pressures, we should be happy about it! Why? Because the trying of our faith works our patience - our steadfastness on God's Word.

In other words, the more our faith is tried, the more we'll learn to trust in and rely on His Word, and the more we'll be strengthened in our spirit. Then, when our patience (our steadfastness on God's Word) has its perfect work, we will be perfect and entire, lacking nothing. It's when we "lack nothing" that we have been delivered. We don't have to suffer physically or mentally.

Much love,

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/19/10

We must have the ability to survive the pressure in these last days. We need to be able to see God within us just as clearly as we can see Him in the Word.

We have to know — not just with our brain, but with every fiber of our being — that He who is within us is greater than he that is in the world.

Once we truly see that the very Spirit and power of God resides on the inside of us, nothing — no amount of debt, no disease, no problem of any kind — will be able to defeat us!

When our inner image of the God who lives in us becomes bigger than our image of the problems around us, we will conquer any challenge darkness brings our way.

The answer to everything is inside us right now. Everything we will ever need is in our spirit. All the money...all the health...all the strength...all the wisdom...all of it is in us because that’s where God is!

Much love,

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/18/10

There is, in fact, only one real key to victory in life. That’s right. Just one. A living connection with God.

If you’re in contact with the Lord and you maintain a living connection with God, you will walk in love and joy. You will walk in forgiveness. You will keep your flesh in subjection to your spirit.

So what exactly is a living connection with God? It simply means keeping the lines of communication open between the two of you. It means going about your daily activities in such a way that you’re always available to hear from heaven.

Just think, the real key to consistent victory is just one thing! You don’t have to memorize a list of dos and don’ts. All you have to do is keep that flow of continual living contact with God.

He’s continually speaking words to our hearts by the Holy Spirit who lives within us. Keep your ear tuned to His frequency. Keep your heart lined up with His Word. Just keep the line open!

Much love,

Monday, May 17, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/17/10

Have you ever noticed that you are sometimes aware of certain things even before you know what God says about them? That's because the Spirit of God is inside you and me teaching us the truth.

He speaks into our spirit. Then our spirit relays His promptings to our mind. Suddenly, we will have a new thought. As we become more aware of the Spirit of God in our everyday affairs, we will be quicker to hear and obey those promptings.

We will actually get in the habit of allowing the Spirit of Truth to reveal the will of God to us. And, believe me, that's one habit God wants us to have!

Think about how different your life would be if you knew the truth of God about every situation! Doesn't that just make you want to listen to your spirit? Doesn't it make you want to be on the keen edge of what God is saying?

Start tuning your ear to His still small voice within you. Honor Him and welcome His guidance into your everyday affairs. Listen for His promptings and be quick to obey. He's ready to speak to you.

Much love,

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/16/10

What a time of challenging decisions and changes we are living in. If there ever was a time when you and I must know God's will and purpose for our lives, it's now.

In fact, nothing else is going to work! God is changing and rearranging things, lining them up for the move of the Spirit. If you and I are going to keep up, we must know God's perfect plan for our life and how to carry it out in His power!

How do we do that? Through prayer. By spending time in His Word (the Bible) and in meditation on His Word.

Once we get a glimpse of God's will for our lives in the Spirit, let's not mess things up by trying to carry it out in the flesh (by doing it our way).

Much love,

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/15/10

If we are walking with and in the love of God, we can live in victory. We may not have all the answers to situation. And, there may be a great many spiritual things we don't understand. But it's not those things that are most likely to destroy us. It's the things we know to do--but don't--that usually make us fall.

We may not know why God is leading us a certain way. We may not understand all the things involved. But God will make up for our ignorance by His Holy Spirit. He will see to it that we have victory if we continue in what we know.

It's not the great revelation we haven't yet had that will cause us the most trouble. It's failing to walk in the ones God has already given us! So let us be faithful in those things. Continue in them day after day after day. We will make it through just fine!

Much love,

Friday, May 14, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/14/10

Have you ever prayed that God will let you know whether a certain action you want to take is agreeable to His will or not?

I have. I had to let the peace of God be my guide. I had to let Him help me settle the issue. I started to take action and then I realized I didn't have peace about it. So I didn't do it.

My advise to you? You too will have to listen. You can't stay busy about the things of the world all the time. You have to give Him time and attention.

Only then will you find it much easier to hear God when He makes a call.:)

Much love,

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/13/10

Don't ever have fear of making the wrong choice and miss out on the joy of acting on the voice of the Lord. Instead, trust the leadership of God and let Him show you how.

He will begin by speaking to you about the little things in your life, and as you grow accustomed to hearing and obeying, He will speak to you about more important things.

The biggest challenge you can have is to be afraid to follow that inward witness which is the number one way God leads all His children. So don't be afraid. Take time to listen today. Expect to hear in your spirit. God has something to say to you.

Much love,

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/12/10

God has prepared us for a time as this. To know Him in ALL THINGS! We are now a country that is full of evil influences.

Satan would like us to forget the reality of being born again and never realize our place of authority in Christ Jesus, because if we do, that power we walk in makes us absolutely dangerous to him.

Satan has no defense against us when we walk in the power of God’s Word. When we see in the Word that we are in Christ Jesus, then we are to confess it with all our heart.

Then we will be strong, standing in a point of authority and operating in our inheritance in Him. As we do this, the power of God will always be available to work in our behalf!

Much love,

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/11/10

It is the awareness of the present moment, the realization of why I do what I do, that will enable me to stop feeling bad and start changing my behavior.

It is the awareness of the present moment, the realization that God loves me just as I am, that will enable me to stop feeling sad and start having confident in myself.

Knowing that God loves me and is there ALL THE TIME for me not only helps me achieve the healthy life style I seek, but it also brings to the surface the rich abundance of life available to me in every moment that I live.

Much love,

Monday, May 10, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/10/10

We know God is temperate by nature because if He were not, none of us would be here.

God is love, you are love. Because God is patient, you are patient. Because all the fruit of the spirit is His by nature, it is yours too! It’s your nature. It’s who you really are!

Much love,

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/9/10

We look [Faith looks] not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. – 2 Corinthians 4:18

If you want to maintain the spirit of faith, you will quit considering the natural impossibilities that might be piling up around you this very moment. God is not sweating them, so neither should you.

Instead, focus your attention on the promise of God. Keep His Word in front of your eyes and in your ears until you can see it coming to pass with the eyes of your spirit.

That’s what the spirit of faith does. It looks not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen.

Of course, I’m not saying you should ignore your problems or close your eyes to them as if they are not real. They are real. But according to the Word they are temporal. That means “subject to change.” And you can be assured that if you keep looking at what the Word says, they will change!

You can develop your faith. You can walk by faith. You can. You can. You can. Just keep your eyes on the Word.

Much love,

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/8/10

If you need something from God, you have to stand in faith on the Word of God. Hold on to the promise. Believe it until it manifests.

You’ll have lots of opportunity to be moved by what you see. But don’t! Instead be moved by what you believe. What you believe will take over the seen realm.

Much love,

Friday, May 7, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/7/10

We need to continually remind ourselves that we are one spirit with God. That means that every time we face a problem, every time we face darkness it it tries to influence and hinder our lives, God is facing it too. When we meet those things, God meets them. And He's already overcome them!

Let me encourage you when you get dressed today to look in the mirror and say, "I am united to the Lord and I have become one spirit with Him. Body, everywhere you go today...God goes. God is in you. The power of God is in you. The wisdom of God is in you. The victory of God is in you."

Say that to yourself every day-- many times a day. Keep doing it until you begin to develop the habit of thinking that way. Cultivate a constant awareness of the reality of God living in you!

Much love,

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/6/10

I am not just another ordinary man but as an ambassador of Almighty God. God's interests and His kingdom is foremost in my mind and heart.

I have submitted myself to Him by saying "Lord, show me how to be Your representative in everything I do."

I am an ambassador for Christ and you are too. So, how about beginning to live like it today?

Much love,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/5/10

As followers of Christ, we have the opportunity to enter a Promised Land of abundance and peace. A land where we can rest from our struggles and enjoy the victory of God.

To enter it we must simply trust God and obey His voice. How do you come to that place of trust and obedience? By getting to know your Father. By spending time fellowshiping with Him in prayer and in the Word. That is the labor that will bring you into His rest!

Much love,

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/4/10

Something good can happen in your life everyday if you see your life in the following: spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and financially and if you are being proactive.

You stay proactive by deciding, "I will give; I will serve. I will give; I will serve."

Much love,

Monday, May 3, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/3/10

Many time, not so good things happen to people and they wonder if God did it to them. No, many times people open the door to darkness through their personal non-love walk.

Don't get me wrong. Just because you may be experiencing tests and trials does not necessarily mean you are not walking in love. Darkness will try to attack you even when you are in the center of God's perfect will.

Darkness will try to see what you are made of spiritually and if you really believe what you say you believe about God and walking in love.

But if you will stand your ground and keep walking in love, your payday will come! It pays to serve God and walk in love. It pays to dedicate your life, all that you are, all that you have, all you ever expect to be - to God.

Much love,

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/2/10

Prayer will take our pain away. But, only if we are willing to humble ourselves.

It can be challenging to admit to ourselves, to God, and particularly to other people that we have been wrong and that we seek forgiveness.

It is only when we are honest with God that He can heal our lives.

Much love,

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/1/10

The more mindful and responsible we become, the less relationship problems we will create in our lives.

We are not perfect. And, sometimes we fail into the temptations of fear instead of love.

It is by being challenged to recognize the times when we are not purely loving, surrendering them into the power of God, that we grow into the perfect being we are capable of being.

Much love,