Monday, May 17, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/17/10

Have you ever noticed that you are sometimes aware of certain things even before you know what God says about them? That's because the Spirit of God is inside you and me teaching us the truth.

He speaks into our spirit. Then our spirit relays His promptings to our mind. Suddenly, we will have a new thought. As we become more aware of the Spirit of God in our everyday affairs, we will be quicker to hear and obey those promptings.

We will actually get in the habit of allowing the Spirit of Truth to reveal the will of God to us. And, believe me, that's one habit God wants us to have!

Think about how different your life would be if you knew the truth of God about every situation! Doesn't that just make you want to listen to your spirit? Doesn't it make you want to be on the keen edge of what God is saying?

Start tuning your ear to His still small voice within you. Honor Him and welcome His guidance into your everyday affairs. Listen for His promptings and be quick to obey. He's ready to speak to you.

Much love,

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