Friday, May 28, 2010

Thought For Today - 5/28/10

I need to go beyond believing only what is reasonable to my intellect. For example, I need to stop being content just to believe God for the money to pay my monthly expenses. I need to start believing Him for the money to pay my expenses several months in advance!

God knows how to do everything. I don’t have to worry about that. I just need to focus on my part — believe, speak the Word and walk in the ways of God. I need to stop limiting God just because I don’t understand how He is going to do the things He has promised.

If I had to depend on what I could understand, I would be in great trouble. But I don’t! All I have to understand is that God is God and He has all power. He is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all I can ask or think!

That means if I can think it, God is able to do more than that. If I can dream it, God is able to do more that that. If I can hope for it, God is able to do more than that!

Whatever I need, God is able! He is able to satisfy my needs and godly desires and much, much more. His hand is not short!

I must keep this in remembrance.

Much love,

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