Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Thought For Today - 1/19/2011

I'm constantly looking for revelations from God that will change my life. I'm always looking for His Divine insights that will take me to new levels of life - the life He has planned for me!

A few months ago, God gave me just such a revelation. It was so vast yet simple and I have been meditating on it ever since.

The revelation was to stay consistent in my love walk - no matter what. Yes, I have been living for God since I found Christ in March 1974. Yet, there have been times that my love walk was not where I wanted it to be!

And, the main reason was that I didn't believe I could nor did I expect God to help me do this. But, now this has all changed. I learned and found out that everything I do, including walking in love with consistency must be done with faith in God. I can't do it by myself.

So, whatever you are doing for God must be done by faith in Him helping you do it, rather than you trying to do it in your own power. Today, lay hold on the promises of God and believe what His Word says "That you can do all things through Christ."

Much love,

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