Saturday, February 7, 2009

Thought For Today - 2/7/09

Stay in FAITH.

Whatever God has told you to do, called you to do, you have to do it by faith. If you know that God told you to do what you are doing - you must stay in FAITH. You can not quit! Stay faithful.

I remember back in the 80's when I pastored a church in Jackson, Mississippi. The church members had run off the previous eight pastors. It was very challenging pastoring this church. However, I knew in my spirit God had called me to pastor this church at this particular time. One Sunday morning I arrived to open the church up, making sure things would be ready for services that morning. The head deacon had changed the locks on the church doors and I couldn't get in.

This was a clear sign they didn't want me there. Yet, I knew I was suppose to be there. I simply drove to the deacon house and asked him to either give me the new key to the church doors or come and open the doors himself. Of course I'm not going into a lot of detail here, but you get the main points.

I ended up pastoring this church for over three years. On the day when God called me to another church work, there was not a dry eye in the congregation. I was faithful and stayed in faith to what God had called me to do at the time in my life.

God has called you also to be faithful and stay in faith of the things He has told you to do. No matter what comes your way or happens - stay in FAITH!

Much love,

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