Friday, January 9, 2009

Thought For Today - 1/9/09

The other day I was having lunch with my pastor. He made a statement regarding me. He said when I speak I make things sound so simple. My spiritual background has many roles such as pastor, teacher, administrator to name a few. However, one role that has been with me on a constant basis is the gift of being a prophet. I generally in the spiritual realm only see things as black or white - no gray.

The following statement is pretty clear in itself (no gray areas). Without vital, continual union with God, we will not be spiritually strong enough to do what we know to do!

My prayer is that you will have a deeper walk, experience and revelation of God. I pray that He will strengthen you in your commitment to put His first in your life and make a living connection with Jesus every day.

I know from personal experience, it will forever change your life.

Much love,

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