Monday, March 23, 2009

Thought For Today - 3/23/09

Fear can cause people to do crazy things and especially when it comes to finances in this day and time. I hear of people selling their cars and purchasing motor scooters - just to save gas. I hear of people cashing in stock and bonds due to panic and it's the wrong time. I even hear of born-again Bible-believing Christian are living in fear and have stop tithing and giving to the work of the Gospel.

Well, let me say this and I trust you will not get offended - now is especially not the time to stop tithing and giving! Matter of fact, now is the time to give more financially for the work of the gospel. I am!

Your faith connects you to THE BLESSINGS of God. Fear connects you to lack! As born-again children of God, we are never without hope. No matter how bad things look in the natural, we have hope in every situation because THE BLESSING of God is with us!

Much love,

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