Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thought For Today - 3/11/10

I learned some time ago that forgiveness is not something I do solely for the person who hurt me. It is something I do for myself, for the sake of my own inner freedom and relationship with God.

I forgive so I can live in the present (free) instead of being stuck in the past. I forgive because my grievances and grudges — even more than hopes and attachments and fears will bind me to old patterns, old identities, and failures.

I use to even think forgiving was excusing a wrong done to me or holding on to the anger somehow gave me back the power their offense took away.

And, there have been times I believed I had already forgiven. But found I yet had grievance on the inside.

The only way I was able to help myself was turning to God for help and direction in this area of my life. It did not happen over night, but I am NOW set free. You too can be set free!

Give it to God. How about today?

Much love,

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