Friday, April 29, 2011

Thought For Today - 4/29/2011


Yesterday I was teaching class and saw a student by the look on her face had travel to the future.  I went up to her, saw her becoming overwhelmed (it was not the Yoga pose she was performing - she had it down pretty good) looked her in they eyes, and invited her back to the present!  

The present is all we really have.  The past - we can't do anything about it and the future will take care of itself.   The student immediately "Thanked me" for bringing her back." :)  Much love,

Much love,

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thought For Today - 4/27/2011

I look at part of my responsibility as a Yoga instructor is to push and encourage students attending classes I teach to be the best they can be!  Many even come back later and tell me they appreciate the push, encouragement and advice.

On a personal level I learned many things the hard way.  I even heard many say "they had to learn the hard way, so should I."  That may have some merit to it, but I prefer to not see others struggle as I did. :)

So, whenever I can and whatever I can do to help them get to the next level in their lives I'm going to do it!    I see it as an investment in their lives and in the Kingdom of God!  It's all about love - so shall it be!

Much love,

Monday, April 25, 2011

Thought For Today - 4/25/2011

Many students attending Yoga classes I teach come for several reasons, including stress relief, relief from some type of body pain, just to name a couple.  However, most ended up experiencing a spiritual awaking that they were unaware of.

Now comes the part of their Yoga practice that reflects their inner being which brings up questions surrounding who they are, their purpose in life, again, just to name a couple.

I tell students when they come into the spiritual experience or awaking in this part of their Yoga practice, they now don't have a choice but to deal with the experience.

I point them to the "Word."  I point them to God.  I point them to spending time in meditation.  I also suggest them to practice Yoga (with me) as much as they can.  There is so much I'm not able to put here in this blog about this subject and experience.

I can only say that the Yoga I teach is spiritual, emotional and physical.  God is spirit, mind and body.  Yoga can and will bring you close to God.  Yoga can help bring you closer to being "whole," nothing broken and nothing missing.

Much love,

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Thought For Today - 4/24/2011


Yes, today is the day I celebrate Easter.  This is what the love of God is all about and for all to witness.  He sent His Son Jesus, who died for us and rose again.  The victory was won!
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  John 3:16
And, because of this, we now experience the fullness of God's blessing, grace and love!

Love you!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Thought For Today - 4/22/2011


I often tell my sons how much I love them, appreciate them and proud of them.  I'm thankful that I learned as a parent early on to not push my agenda, ideas, or thoughts of what type of job they should have, etc.

I wanted them to live their own lives and make their own decisions.  I trust God regarding their decisions too.  I know I along with their mother raised them in the fear and knowledge of God.  There is no doubt that God has a calling and purpose for each of them individually to do.

We, as parents are to be happy knowing that we taught our children the correct path to follow.  If they don't follow the path exactly, don't worry, have faith they will come back. :)  

One major thing you can do for your children is pray God's will over their lives.  Believing in faith that God has everything under control.  In doing this you as the parent will find peace and rest for your soul! :)

Much love, 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thought For Today - 4/21/2011


First thing I do each morning when I get up is to acknowledge God.  Starting each morning grounded for the new day along with deepening my relationship with God.

I run into many people who do the opposite.  They start their day rushing, not being grounded and end up having most of the time a challenging day, from start to finish. 

From personal experience, when I start my day off with God and welcome Him into my day, it gives me the opportunity to clear whatever happen the day or night before and start fresh.  I know this sounds pretty simple, but it is just that.  Try it and maybe let me know how your day turns out. :)

Much love, 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Thought For Today - 4/18/2011

The evidence of my obedience and dedication to God is the love I have for others.  It doesn't matter who they are.  It is the true, pure, unfailing love of God manifesting itself in one's life that sets them apart from other people.

It was a revelation to me, walking in love and forgiveness toward others.  In doing this I experience such a great and mighty power of God that His Spirit just flows on the inside of me. :)

Today, how about you making the quality decision today to commit yourself to obeying God, walking in love and forgiveness toward all.  From personal experience, if you do, you will never be the same.
Much love,

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thought For Today - 4/16/2011

There are days that seem more challenging then others and even to the point of being overwhelming.  Here is the time when you don't feel your way through the challenges, but you stand on what you know which is Faith and patience.  

You must remind yourself that you have been down this path before.  Maybe not the same situation, etc., but you have been down it.  And, when you look back at what happen, you see that God saw you through and His promises were true!

From personal experience you have to press your way through all of the challenges, putting and keeping your eyes on the promises of God that He will get you through this!  As I was telling my oldest son - Jeffrey just the other day, you have to grab hold of a bull-dog faith.  Don't let go!
Much love, 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thought For Today - 4/14/2011

More and more I understand that it is so important for me to know that God knows how to bring me out of trouble.  Really, there is nothing God doesn’t know how to handle.

My major part is to pray and invite God into the situation.  I must trust Him, putting my entire life in His hands!  On the other side, fear and doubt which is the opposite of God will hinder and stop me from receiving God's help.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thought For Today - 4/12/2011

Several individuals have asked what will happen if I don't raise the necessary funding for Soul Motivation Yoga studio to open.  My answer?  God has everything under control! :)

From personal experience, whatever I need today, tomorrow and the next day, God is my source.  He is my supplier.  I have seen Soul Motivation Yoga studio open for business.  I have accessed it by faith.

I'm not trying to figure it out in my natural mind how everything is going to come together.  I just know that God is going to get the credit for it happening!  I believe, therefore, I receive.

Soul Motivation Yoga studio will open!

You can visit here for additional information on funding Soul Motivation Yoga studio:

You can visit here for updates on Soul Motivation Yoga studio:

Love you,

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Thought For Today - 4/10/2011


There have been times in my life that I felt I was so alone in all that I was doing.  In fact, I felt like what I was doing had no importance.  One day, I mentioned this to my oldest son Jeff.  Yep, twenty something years younger, he said Dad, you are never alone, don't ever say that!

He then went on to comment more on several things that made me think, rethink and get a new prospective on my comments.

In that short conversation with my son, I rediscover the abilities I had that affected and impacted so many lives.  I was not alone.  And, from our conversation, I discover and gain an awareness of new exciting things that would enable me to be of more service to others.   

The Source to all of this was and is God. With Him, I'm never alone.  It brought about a time and opportunity to reconnect with God and others and experience a new energy like never before.

Much love, 

Friday, April 8, 2011

Thought For Today - 4/8/2011

I have seen many, many students come to class with the day-to-day pressures of life written all over their face.  What is unique to the classes I teach is I adapt to what I'm sensing or hearing from God regarding how to serve, minister to that particular class.

During class I may speak to or about the unnecessary stress the students are carrying around.  I may speak to how to hand these things over to God, not to lose sleep over things or people.

Then, towards the end of class, I let them know that God will see them through all things as they give them to Him.  God wants them (and me) to live a full life of peace, joy, happiness and love!

When class is over, they (the students) leave with smiles on their face.  It's all about serving, loving and sharing Him!

Much love,

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thought For Today - 4/6/2011

I'm reminded at times I need to be mindful when I'm dealing with someone I think is not where they suppose to be certain situations.

I have to consider them, consider what they are going through.  If I don't know what they are going through, then I need to do one of two thing: find out of be quiet!

If I'm walking in love as I preach all the time that I am, then I must not hurt someone's feeling in the name of being right.  The presence of God is not involved in that at all! 

Love, as a matter of fact, goes out of the way to see to it that people are not hurt. In other words, love not does not cause hurt!  Something to think about?

Much love,

Monday, April 4, 2011

Thought For Today - 4/4/2011

Just a quick note on forgiveness . . .

I learned in order for me to forgive others as God forgives me will require an act of faith on my part.  Yep, I can not do it on my own natural ability.  It is a supernatural ability where I use my faith on purpose for the love of God to come in and totally erase the incident from my consciousness.

Again, this is not something I nor you can do on our on.  We have to make a quality decision to forgive - an act of our will.  The going about doing this actually will free you and the other party involved from unforgivensess and strife.

So, today, forgive, get free and free them too!

Much love,

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Thought For Today - 4/2/2011


In every class I tell student to not mirror themselves or try to compete with others in the class.  I tell them they are where they are suppose to be in their practice.  They are wonderfully unique in their own way and as they continue their Yoga practice, they will see just how truly unique they really are!

I give them permission (they really already have it - I just remind them) to take the time to appreciate where they are in their practice (off the mat too).  I also tell them I'm proud to be their teacher at this time in their lives.  

In saying simple words of encouragement and love, I see the students become secure about themselves, their Yoga practice and they in turn find a practice that is strong, stable and full of His love.

Much love, 