Friday, April 22, 2011

Thought For Today - 4/22/2011


I often tell my sons how much I love them, appreciate them and proud of them.  I'm thankful that I learned as a parent early on to not push my agenda, ideas, or thoughts of what type of job they should have, etc.

I wanted them to live their own lives and make their own decisions.  I trust God regarding their decisions too.  I know I along with their mother raised them in the fear and knowledge of God.  There is no doubt that God has a calling and purpose for each of them individually to do.

We, as parents are to be happy knowing that we taught our children the correct path to follow.  If they don't follow the path exactly, don't worry, have faith they will come back. :)  

One major thing you can do for your children is pray God's will over their lives.  Believing in faith that God has everything under control.  In doing this you as the parent will find peace and rest for your soul! :)

Much love, 

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