Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/16/10

Again, as the holiday season is strongly upon us I will suggest you take time to replenish yourself during the next week or two.

Yes, there are many activities you are to attend during this time. However, I know from person experience you will become depleted, exhausted, disconnected and weak (both spiritually and physically) if you don't take time for yourself.

Take time for yourself! Yep, some might even look at you as being selfish especially during this time of season. However, it is really the opposite.

As you maintain your spiritual, mental and physical needs during this time you will be in better position to enjoy the season.

It really comes down to it being so crucial to your well being to take time out for YOU in that it will ensure that you have the ability and energy to give during this season.

Yep, something to think about and consider!

Much love,

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