Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thought For Today 12/23/10

I have made so many errors and poor decisions in my life. At one time I felt it would be so challenging to get back into the plan God had for my life.

I came to the conclusion that it was not my job to figure how to get back on track. My doing was to ask God for forgiveness (and whoever else was involved if any). Then, have faith in God that everything would work itself out - not faith in myself (I made the mess).

As a testimony, this has worked! Just as I have messed up, you reading this blog may have too. This season of Christmas is a great time for you to believe God can and will take you from where you are back into His perfect will for your life.

God's desire for us to be over-comers and walk in His master plan for our lives is far greater than our desire to "not do the right thing."

Let Him!

Much love,

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