Saturday, August 16, 2008

Thought For Today - 8/16/08

Every relationship should have open communication. It’s the foremost way we can walk in the love towards the other —but it takes effort. Sadly, it’s an effort many couples don’t make. Successful relationships don’t just happen. They are the result of investments of time, effort, study and a putting into practice.

Effective communication is one of the necessary skills every relationship needs. It involves not only knowing how to talk to each other, but also knowing how to walk in love towards the other. Love is the key. Each person feels as though what he or she has to say is valid, significant and appreciated when this kind of communication takes place.

So talk, listen and only respond in love!

Much love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Joseph. I would add that a key element is respect for the other person. You need to value each other, which includes appreciating your partner's views, opinions, needs, dreams, aspirations, accomplishments, and complaints. I read recently that research shows that you can tell from body language within minutes whether a marriage will work. Just watch for signals such as one spouse rolling his or her eyes while the other spouse gives an opinion.