Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thought For Today - 8/28/08

A few things I learned along my journey. Enjoy . . .

1) Very important to forgive yourself (only you know for what) - you cannot really forgive others without forgiving yourself. Neither can you really forgive yourself without forgiving others.

2) There was a time when I constantly thought and talked about what I needed (it was various things). Then, one day, I began to focus my attention on receiving, having, sharing and giving. How did this happen? I got out of the mental patterns of lack (poverty) and realized that, as God knows no lack, neither do I.

3) I on purpose make it a point to love everyday. I don't wait for Christmas or until its' someones birthday. I give the gift of love and joy. I give words of encouragement. I tell individuals how much I appreciate them. I tell them I think they are wonderful. I even tell them they are perfect just as they are (if they need to change - its' not my job to tell them unless they ask). I found out when I give gifts such as these of love to others - I'm giving them to myself. Try it for yourself.

Much love,

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