Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Thought For Today - 9/1/10

Have you ever experience God telling you to do something, but your flesh just does not want to do? This has happen to me numerous times! Yep, that's right.

For example, God may have told me for months to get up earlier every morning so I can spend more time in prayer or in the Word (reading the Bible). And of course, I would say to myself I have been thinking for months for as doing them. And, yes, I really ought to do that. But then, I would hit the snooze button on may alarm and go back to sleep.

Just perhaps God has been speaking to you about this same thing above or other things you need to make or change in your life. God is really saying, This is what you can do about this situation. Here’s what you need to change.

Much love,

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