Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thought For Today - 9/21/10

Well, I found more ability to truly surrender to God this past weekend. My inside has been telling me for some time now to "move Joseph, make the change, do it now!" Yet, I only now felt it was time for the move and the surrender.

What I have learned is when we don't flow or move when we are prompted to, doors will not be open, advancement will not come and we will be stuck in situations that can only be turned around by obeying. We just need to avoid the unnecessary confrontations that come about from not moving and / or surrendering.

My advise to you? Begin to recognize that God is speaking to you and He probably wants you to move in a direction that will change your life for the better. Accept it and surrender. Yes, a shift will take place in your life. But, what an adventure you will experience!

Much love,

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