Friday, January 1, 2010

Thought For Today - 1/1/10

Happy New Year! 2010 is officially here!

On this first day of the year, someone asked me "How they can serve God more in 2010?" My answer was short and simple - "Love everyone." People all around are starving for love.

What does it really mean to "Love everyone?" The answer to this question has to do with looking at each day as an opportunity to show the love of God to others. It is an act of serving others. It is an act of grace and gratitude towards others. It is a vehicle of awakening one to the spirituality of the everyday!

We should be so consumed with the love of God that it gives us so much pleasure - the pleasure of giving (love) with devotion that shows God how much we appreciate Him on a daily basis.

Let this be your best year yet, not ever, but the best year yet!

Much love,

1 comment:

Jon and Juli said...

Happy New Year, Joseph!