Monday, January 25, 2010

Thought For Today - 1/25/10

As we find out what God's Master Plan for our life is, we can then begin to feel and see them coming into existence. But, we also want what God wants for our life. We must use and agree with His Word to bring it about.

Now after we have found out His plan for our life, we then have choices and those choices is what brings us everything He has for our lives - right now! When we know the direction God has planned for us, we should want His choices to take us there. It is as if we have placed an order with God and it is on it's way.

Then we can await its arrival with joyful anticipation. You can know and experience the dreams God has for you right now! We just have to come into agreement with Him, be joyful in waiting and expect to have so much fun when it comes!

Much love,

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