Monday, January 18, 2010

Thought For Today - 1/18/10

Have you ever had a day when you had peace and happiness one day and the next day it was gone?

From personal experience, it is because so many are disconnected from the Source. That Source is God. So many I know and see try to satisfy their longings with temporary fixes, rather than nourishing their soul and living a joy-filled life of purpose by allowing God to be their Source.

We are spiritual beings. Just to name a few, peace, joy, happiness, and a sense of connection are our birthright. But many I know and see, seen through time have lost this.

You might say, Joseph, how can I get this back? Through a combination of things, praying to God, reading His Word (Bible), meditation, and practical exercises of loving those around you unconditionally.

You will be so surprised of the discovery you will find. You can begin to live a life of purpose and fulfillment by finding your right place in Him (God). Then, you will have balance come into your life!

Much love,

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