Monday, October 11, 2010

Thought For Today - 10/11/10

I have been in situations that I needed to forgive others. I could not do it by how I felt. I had to forgive by faith. Believing that God would help me to forgive, but I could not forgive with my own strength. You ever experience this?

Making the decision to forgive was the first step and maybe the most challenging. But, I was determine to follow God's Word - I was going to forgive!

Then, I kept my mouth shut regarding that person or situation. I refused to say anything negative. I even refuse to think on it no more than a few seconds.

The truth of the matter, we can not be moved by what we feel regarding forgiveness. Forgiveness is an act of our personal will, not our personal feelings. Yep, something else to think about?

Much love,

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