Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thought For Today - 10/14/10

Some of you are experiencing a new journey in your life. You are not sure where your next step will or is suppose to take you. Yes, I can relate!

Some of your questions include what is your next life lesson, where will you live next, what is your next job or career, what will you do about money, and the list can go on and on. Yes, I can relate!

For me regarding the above, God had and has all the answers. But, you can't hear the answers because you are too busy trying to make things happen yourself. Yes, I can for sure relate!

Allow God to speak to you regarding just one question. Then, move onto the next and the next until they all are answered. Begin to trust and know that God has the answers, you just need to hear them from Him.

Get quiet, become still, listen and maybe write down what you hear. This process will change your life! Yes, I can relate!

Much love,

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