You might be in a relationship and believe that it is the right relationship for you. The relationship could be professional or personal. It really does not matter. Why? Because you are at a point in your life that you need to cleanse the past and heal your broken heart!
Many of us are in relationships and they have a particular agenda. We believe we are in them to get a job done, build a solid relationship or accomplish a task. But, then life steps in and gives us a twist that we didn't expect, but was needed!
You are now a a certain place in your life for a reason different from what you thought. It is now again I say, to cleanse the past and heal your broken heart!
Healing your heart is a worthwhile mission. It has a more purposeful part that is crucial, something that needs to done right now, so we can move forward.
You really can't serve anyone or love anyone until your heart is healed. You must begin to care about your life again, to open your heart, to dare to dream, to even risk (for lack of a better word) love again. But, your heart must be healed.
Today, make a decision. Be clear on your purpose. Make the first thing first - cleanse the past and heal your heart.
I had to.:)
Much love,