Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thought For Today - 11/23/10

The other day I was talking to a friend. He mentioned about a situation that he was involved in where another party was pretty harsh, cruel and just down right ugly to him.

It had him pretty upset for a few days or so. However, this past weekend, a break through came for him. He receive the ability to forgive that person like it never happen!

From person experience, forgiveness requires an act of the will, your will and my will. We can not depend on our feelings (how we feel about a situation). Most of the time, we will have to forgive, not because we feel like it, but because it's simply what the Word of God states we must if we want to be and continue in fellowship with Him.

Every time we forgive, it must be an act of faith. It is impossible to please God without faith.

I had to make it a goal to develop and maintain an attitude of forgiveness. I had to see that I kept my heart before God regarding forgiveness. I am quick to repent when I'm faced with opportunities for strife. I will not allow darkness any place in my life.

Maybe, something to think about?

Much love,

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