Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thought For Today - 11/14/10

OK, some days are more challenging than other. But, remember that there is no problem or situation that is too big (or small) for God to take care of! It also dose not matter how important or unimportant it may seen to other. God can take care of it!

From personal experience I have also found that there are no prayers too small (or too big) for God to hear!

God is concern about you. If you are not living the life you are suppose to live, yes, God is concern about it.

If you are not living the life you are suppose to live, then you are not taking your part in bringing good to society, which is in the spirit of God. Again, God is concern. Every need we have should be placed in His hands!

Try this, just ask God what His master plan is for your life. He will reveal it to you. Get quiet, maybe sit down, close your eyes, be with God and listen to His whisper.

Much love,

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