Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thought For Today - 11/13/10

In several of the Yoga classes I teach, the relaxation pose (Savasana) [sah-vahs-anna] to me is one of, if not the most important pose in Yoga.

This is a time for students to become quiet, in a perfect, calm comfortable position where they can find peace that from my stand point only God can give. I have come to realize that this time of rest after a Yoga practice in its stillness and peace, is beneficial to both my mind and body.

This is a time I surrender to God, using a short prayer or Psalm of David to move beyond the busy and possible challenging thoughts that attacked me during that day. I see this pose an opportunity to make it back home, home to my heart, where my life can be renewed.

So, if you are in one of the Yoga classes I teach, take time for Savasana.

Much love,

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