Friday, September 18, 2009

Thought For Today - 9/18/09

The Bible states that "our words contain life and death." Words are powerful. What we say affects many, many things. I notice in the Yoga classes I teach how I say things affects not only how the students get into their poses but also has an effect on their outlooks on life, too.

Yet, this is just half the story. I see how students also notice how I say words. Whether consciously or subconsciously, my tone, inflections, and accent all affect how the students perceive the class and me.

So, I on purpose practice speaking words of life and not death. And, the more I do it, the better I am at it. Practice improves our meditation or playing chess or something as simple as social skills.

I want my words to bring trust to the students. I recognize that words are important and the more I can offer words of encouragement, etc. the more I can maybe make people happy.

The true practice of saying positive words brings connections. The connection gives up the insight that speaking words of love is really giving to ourselves - because in truth there is no other.

Much love,

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