Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Thought For Today - 9/23/09

Several days ago, I was blessed to be a blessing to a single mother by helping with her grocery expense. I use to daily ask God to allow me to be a blessing to someone each day, whether it was buying a tank full of gas, paying for their lunch or just blessing them with a sum of money. I had stop asking God to do this for me (not really a reason I can think of). However, I will or have gotten back into the habit of asking God to let me be a blessing to others again.

One of the main reason I want to be in the abundance or blessings of God is to help others. Therefore, I must stay clear of covetousness and just let God provide all of my provision. This requires a change in the way one's think.

Covetousness is not just wanting something that belongs to someone else. It is a way of life planned solely around acquiring wealth for one's own selfish purposes and comfort. The getting of things for all the wrong reasons. Under the influence of this kind of thinking, people make seriously wrong decisions.

I put my mind on the plan Jesus has for my life. I pray. I listen. I seek or look for it. I look for ways to help people. There are people who need me and need you too!

Much love,

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