Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thought For Today - 11/15/09

Believing. This is the key to receiving. This is the way we come into the very power of God. Most people, including myself already know this. Yet, we don't put it into action.

However, it is so simple to do. It is as simple as saying the following words, "I believe, therefore I receive."

When you believe in your heart (spirit) and speak with your mouth, the universe knows. God knows. Something then begins to happen in your spirit and things begin to start moving in the spirit world on the behalf of your words.

After you speak those words, it is not for us to understand how it will happen. We know that it WILL happen!

When you take in the promises of God, you are actually feeding your spirit with His Words. As you do this, faith becomes alive and is released and things begin to take form to accomplished what you spoke - "I believe, therefore I receive."

The more you say it, the more it becomes a reality inside of you. You may say it once, twice or more times a day regarding whatever you are believing for. The more you say it, the more your faith is strengthen.

Because of the world's current condition and situation, NOW is especially a great time to say it more "I believe, therefore I receive." No matter what you are facing today. No matter how dark it looks. No matter how everything looks from the natural eye, you keep the words going forth.

As you say these words everyday, several times a day, you will see and experience that they work!

Much love,

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