Monday, November 23, 2009

Thought For Today - 11/23/09

Conflict is something we all are faced with one time or another. From conflicts, we can learn from them. The way in which we handle ourselves in conflicts will show our overall level of just how much the love of God we have resting on the inside of us.

No matter how exasperating the disagreement at hand, we should approach our adversary with an open heart laden with compassion and the love of God. Judgments and blame must be cast aside and replaced with mutual respect and the love of God.

When we come at conflict with the love of God. It shows Him living in our hearts, which empowers us with a solution.

As you seek for the solution in the conflict, note that there is a lesson to be learned here. One lesson could be that you learn to approach disagreement rationally and with a willingness to show the love of God.

If you listen thoughtfully and with an empathetic ear during conflict, you can transform clashes into opportunities to show God's love. Examine yourself carefully. You may discover stubbornness within yourself that is causing resistance to walk in His love.

As your part in disagreements becomes gradually more clear, each new conflict becomes another chance to further increase your love walk. What an opportunity!:)

Much love,

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