Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thought For Today - 11/26/09 - Thanksgiving Day

Today is November 26, 2009 - Thanksgiving Day. Today, make a decision, a very important decision - to walk in the joy of the Lord whether you feel like it or not.

Joy is an essential part of a life of victory. Without it, you can only have an occasional triumph now and then. Joy is what gives you the strength to stay faithful and in love when the circumstances get tough.

Joy gives you the ability to smile at negative things when confronted. Joy give you a kind of staying power that will make you on top again and again.

Again, today, make a commitment to God that you're going to walk, not only in faith and in love but in joy as well. Make it a point to rejoice in the Lord daily - no matter what and no way will darkness ever be able to steal your victory from you!


Much love,

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