Friday, December 11, 2009

Thought For Today - 12/11/09

Start watching the words that come out of your mouth. Quit speaking words like they weren't important and start using them like your life depends on it! They do!

Take note, the universe does not operate on what you mean. It operates on what you say. What you say counts! Don't get too excited about what your next phrase might be. Just use the wisdom God has given you. Train your mouth to be obedient to things that are true, uplifting, positive, helpful, etc.

Example, if you say "I have hope." You are stating that you are in despair. You have to go past hope and despair. You can ONLY do this if you are rooted in yourself and God and know who you really are.

Anything and everything that exits will then be mastered as you experience the truth of who God is along with the truth of who you are.

Much love,

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