Friday, December 4, 2009

Thought For Today - 12/4/09

If you feel incapable of making a decision, how about asking God for wisdom and direction? I have and you know what? He has ALWAYS given me sound counsel and guidance.

What I have learned is before making a decision, I give way for God to speak to me regarding the decision. I release any fear I have to Him in prayer/meditation. Even if I don't get it right in making the decision, God's love for me is so wonderful, the unexpected path I took will yet turn out for my good.

I have put my life in His hands. Therefore, I let go of the notion that certain choices are utterly right while others are entirely wrong. The choices are ours together (God and I). Therefore, I will be satisfied with the outcome of those choices.

My choices and decisions are a reflection of my desires which are God's desires. Once I accepted that, I now live have peace with the decisions I make. You too, can experience the same as you learn to make informed choices by honoring God in your decisions. In doing this, you will have the ability to consciously be directed by the flow of your life without interference.

Much love,

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