Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thought For Today - 11/12/08

Be Happy!

I come in contact with so many people that don’t think Yoga works. They don’t think that believing in God works. They only have a negative outlook on life. Doubt follows them around daily.

I tell them that not only does Yoga works – God works too! My experience with both is positive and uplifting. I have had direct experience with them. Yoga is designed to lead you to into oneness - with me oneness with God. Some times it’s challenging to remind individuals that the true purpose of our Yoga practice is connection to ourselves, connection to one another, connection to God – not separation.

Today - use your imaginations to create positive pictures of and for your life. Make a list of things that will make you happy. If you don't know or run out of things to put on your list - ask God to help and show you. Maybe, even during a Yoga class you will come up with items to put on your list.

Get a clear picture of you doing all the things you like to do. Take the time to see yourself being happy. Let doubt find its way elsewhere. However I can help let me know. We are all in this together.

Much love,

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